
Preview session for new users

We have one preview session every month, where we allow our customers to get to know us better. We understand that there are many people who want to explore Biztory, but do not have the time to. Therefore, we host a monthly preview event to invite those who are interested to have a sneak peek of how Biztory works.

Member training session

Biztory is designed to be easy to use, with a self-learning concept. But, we understand that sometimes self-learning can be difficult, therefore, we host a training session every once a month to help our customers learn. Our training session is a focused session alongside our accountant, to answer all our customer’s queries about accounting. This is the best way to kick-start your journey with Biztory.

Biztory Networking Day

Networking Day is a platform scheduled for subscriber to foster their relationship with each other to expand business network and bridging opportunities for greater good. Best way to introduce your business and tap into Biztory network.