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Leadership qualities you need to possess in order to be successful

Be a good listener

Never mistake being loud as being authoritative. In an argument, we automatically assume that the louder you get, the better you will get your point across. In fact, most of the time bosses’ won’t allow you to talk higher than them as a sense of hierarchy. But as a leader, you see everyone as equals and are even open to new ideas and suggestions that will help improve your company. 

Form and maintain good relationships

It’s important to create ties and bonds by maintaining good relationships with others, whether with your employees or your company’s counterparts. For example, the relationship between Malaysia and China has improved greatly since our Prime Minister has continuously supported China’s electronic products. By doing so, he has formed bonds and a strong ally between the two countries.

Body language

Words have little impact when conversing because most of the time, people will notice your body language first. Facial expressions, postures, hand movements, and eye contact are one of the few things people will notice when you’re talking to them. Gestures that are distracting or giving off negative vibes like crossed arms or fidgeting will show lack of confidence and shows disinterest. 

Deliver bad news tactfully

Nobody likes to be the one to deliver bad news. Showing empathy and knowing how to deliver the news is what sets good leaders apart. It seems heartless to deliver bad news through email or by text, instead have a sense of responsibility and do it in person, no matter how difficult it may be. After you do, don’t walk away but instead give them the opportunity to respond and let you know how the news affected them. 

Know how to say no

You can’t please everyone, and sometimes you have to turn down ideas you feel aren’t productive. The ability to reject a proposal without sounding rude or hurtful is key to being a good leader. Explain your reason for saying no and end the conversation on a positive note. 

Good negotiation skills

Successful negotiators are often attentive and remain fair when negotiating, all the while trying to push their point across. Putting yourself in another person’s shoes will help see things and understand better from their point of view. Offer to help them in any way so you don’t seem selfish once you successfully managed to negotiate what you want.

Be professional

Knowing the line between work and personal life is very important. For leaders who are friendly with most of their employees, it is difficult to maintain professionalism in the workplace. Avoid special treatment and establish clear boundaries to prevent any form of inequality in the office. 

Adapt to change

Change is sometimes unnerving and can cause fear in a working environment. At this time as a leader, you have to have a sense of responsibility to provide your employees reassurance, guidance, and stability. Be ready to answer any possible questions they may have to motivate and encourage them during times of change. 

Recognise and praise 

A company will never be successful without a good team, lead by a good leader. Don’t forget to show recognition for their accomplishments and congratulate them on having done a great job in finishing a certain task. This will not only motivate them to continue doing better, but it also shows everyone else in the company 

Avoid being defensive

Every advice given to you is a learning curve for you to overcome problems that you might not see. Be open to any recommendations or suggestions given to you whether by your peers or your employees, and avoid being paranoid and easily offended. Instead, take it as a lesson in further improving yourself in becoming a better leader for your team.