In this article, we’ll explore some of the accounting basics entrepreneurs need to know to help you build a healthy financial system in the early days of your business.

1. Budget Planning
First, you need to understand how much capital your business needs to get up and running. You need to create a budget and plan how the funds will be spent. This will include cost forecasting, market research and marketing planning. These plans will help you determine how much capital your business will need and how much you will need to borrow to cover initial costs.

2. Bookkeeping & Reporting
You need to know how to keep books and prepare financial statements. This will help you track your expenses and income and see how profitable your business is. In the early days of your business, you can choose to keep track of your books manually, or use accounting software to keep track.

3. Tax and Legal Issues
You need to know what tax and legal regulations your business needs to comply with. This will include tax and business registration. You can consult an accountant or lawyer to ensure that your business is operating within a legal and compliant framework.

4. Bank Accounts & Payments
You need to open a bank account for your business and know which payment methods your business requires. This will include cheques, debit cards, credit cards and online payment methods, among others. You need to choose the best payment method for your business and understand the commissions and fees for each payment method.

5. Fund Management
You need to know how to manage your business money. This will include how to track your cash flow and how to manage your business debt. You need to know how to handle debt and payables to make sure your business doesn’t fall into financial ruin.

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